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Pushing Machine-learning Technology: Creature-Cataloging Contest for Computers
Pushing Machine-learning Technology: Creature-Cataloging Contest for Computers
March 01, 2018
Graduate student Grant Van Horn and postdoctoral scholars Oisin Mac Aodha, working with Professor Pietro Perona, started the iNaturalist Challenge last year, to see how much they could push machine-learning technology. The competition is now in its second year and the dataset contains over 8,000 species, with a combined training and validation set of 450,000 images that have been collected and verified by multiple users from iNaturalist. This year's competition promise to be much more challenging because there are more species and less examples for the computer to learn from. The top submissions will be invited to give talks at CVPR, which is the premier annual computer vision event. [Enter the competition]
Written by
Trity Pourbahrami
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